
Combining Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning: Student Satisfaction with Online Learning using Learning Management Systems

Siti Zuraidah Md Osman

School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia.


Students' satisfaction, knowledge, skills and attitude towards learning (KSAs), engagement and interaction in online learning are essential indicators in ensuring that the Learning Management System (LMS) is utilised effectively and efficiently. However, most students become passive listeners and observers during online teaching and learning activities on the LMS platform, both in synchronous and asynchronous learning. Therefore, this study aimed to identify student satisfaction in terms of KSAs, engagement and interaction with a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning in online learning platforms. A questionnaire was distributed to 163 students from a higher education institution. The results showed that student satisfaction was at a high level in KSAs; there was a significant positive relationship between KSAs, interaction and student engagement which led to student satisfaction. Therefore, a teaching design which combines synchronous and asynchronous learning methods could be applied by educators to enhance students' KSAs, interaction and engagement to help raise their satisfaction levels.

Keywords:Student satisfaction, KSAs, Student engagement, Student interaction, Synchronous learning, Asynchronous learning.

Contribution of this paper to the literature
A combination of learning methods can provide learning satisfaction, with a variety of teaching methods, learning activities and assessment styles. This diversity can increase KSAs, engagement and interaction and make way for the learning platforms developed by lecturers to be fully and effectively used by students.

1. Introduction

Since 2020, e-learning has been widely implemented  using the Learning Management System (LMS) platform, particularly in educational institutions that demand an online learning management procedure (Heo & Han, 2021). The Movement Control Order (MCO) has mandated the use of the LMS as a learning platform for students based on the "anytime, anywhere" premise (Rasmitadila et al., 2020). Various LMS features also facilitate content management, learning activities, assessment and sharing of teaching materials, collaboration and communication between instructors and students.

The usage of technology, digitalisation and e-learning has changed the education style of the twenty-first century and modified the role of traditional learning to be more efficient and appropriate for the new era (Rabiman, Nurtanto, & Kholifah, 2020). Rabiman et al. (2020)  opined that successful online training involves robust integration of contact and cooperation, exposing its collaborative nature. In particular, student engagement relies on   them being able to know more if they study more, practise problem-solving more and get feedback from their professors and peers;  this may  result in more profound knowledge of what they have acquired (Kuh, 2005). In the past decade, researchers have explored the impact of learning via videotaped or live presentations by lecturers on student engagement. Taylor, Lipscomb, and Rosemier (1969) found that live presentations of information were equally successful as filmed content presentations for high and low ability students in relation to student-lecturer interactions.  A study was conducted by Moore (1989)  on three forms of interaction in distance education: learner–content, learner–instructor and learner-learner interactions.

Independently and indirectly, e-learning increases classroom learning performance under predefined requirements. The two fundamental forms of e-learning are synchronous and asynchronous. Blended learning is an example of combining synchronous and asynchronous learning;  during one  learning session, students meet with lecturers in synchronous courses and complete assignments or teaching and learning activities online as self-directed learning (Amitii, 2020).

2. Problem Statement

A study by Nik-Ahmad-Zuky, Baharuddin, and Rahim (2020) found that the challenges of using the LMS for teaching and learning require students' knowledge, skills and attitude, good internet access and a more significant commitment  by lecturers to upload learning materials on LMS platforms. In line with these challenges, Mahmoudi-Dehaki, Chalak, and Heidari Tabrizi (2021) found that the LMS requires creating a comfortable learning environment with  student involvement in online learning sessions  leading to achievement of targeted learning outcomes.

In addition, the  factors contributing to LMS failure  can be classified  under eight  steps: revenue sharing and content, communicative interaction , structure, learning engagement, evaluation, user interface, social interaction and informal learning and mobile features (Alhazmi, Massey, & Ezzadeen Kaed, 2021). According to the needs analysis done on students who have similar characteristics to the study sample, more than fifty per cent of students who are at home use personal mobile data with moderate internet networking connections. The lack of physical and social presence affects student engagement and interaction,  which  are significant factors affecting satisfaction with online learning (Salta, Paschalidou, Tsetseri, & Koulougliotis, 2022),  which in turn affect   students' knowledge, skills and attitude  towards online learning.

According to Al Mamun, Lawrie, and Wright (2022), students with  prior understanding tend to disengage themselves  during online classes since they already understand the contents. However, according to Siti Noridah (2012) only students who understand will engage. Those who do not understand  become listeners and observers,  both in synchronous  and asynchronous learning  on the LMS platform (Ummah, Sulisworo, & Abd Rahman, 2021).  Not all lecturers interact with their students during online lectures (Joyner, 2018), while students who interact less with the material on the LMS platform  or fail to complete the tasks on the platform,  have lower grades (Kalelioğlu, 2017).  However, students who interact with their peers also  fail to complete their assignments  on the LMS platform (Turner & Baskerville, 2013).

Therefore, this study combines synchronous and asynchronous learning in the teaching and learning process and examines the relationship between student engagement, interaction and KSAs and their satisfaction with learning using the LMS platform.

3. Literature Review

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, almost every country globally switched to  online  environments for teaching and learning activities (Pandey et al., 2022; Sambo, Bello, & Sule, 2021). As a result of the transition, LMS as a teaching and learning platform has been fully utilised. According to Zhang, Ghandour, and Shestak (2020), LMSs such as Moodle, Edmodo, Schoology, OpenLearning and Google Classroom are the most common platforms used  worldwide as a source of lecture information, educational materials, assignments  and teaching and learning activities, as well as to provide feedback on specific courses. For example, in Malaysia, the Ministry of Higher Education has established rules requiring all school  teachers to utilise Google Classroom as a platform for teaching and learning activities for students staying at home (Tamin & Mohamad, 2020).

In addition, higher education institutions employ Moodle as a learning management system (LMS). One of them is e-Learn@USM, a Moodle platform that has been in use since 2009 at one of Malaysia's higher learning institutions (Kee, Omar, & Mohamed, 2012). Thus, not only Malaysia, but China (Qin, Orchakova, Liu, Smirnova, & Tokareva, 2022), India (Roy & Brown, 2022) and UAE (Kabata, 2022) countries also use  LMS as one of the top online learning platforms to manage their learning courses. Thus, the usage of and access to e-learning platforms is growing. It has become  mandatory  in higher education institution  courses that do not employ laboratory practice, to conduct teaching and learning activities in a blended  way (Nik-Ahmad-Zuky et al., 2020).

According to Bradley (2021), LMS platforms provide better access to teaching and learning materials for teachers and students and allow teachers to organise teaching management and formative assessment, resulting in more diverse and efficient tools for student engagement and interaction.   Besides well-organised online classrooms, students  can utilise the LMS platform to register for classes, connect with peers and lecturers, provide feedback, submit assignments and check grades or instructor remarks, which  help them improve their KSAs (Mufliharsi, Mayuni, Nuruddin, & Lustyantie, 2022).  Student engagement in the classroom is essential for student relationships and happiness, and teachers play an important role in developing student engagement (Yılmaz, 2022). Active learning is promoted by student engagement. According to Reeve (2013), student engagement emphasises learning activity and encourages active learning. It consists of four aspects of highly inter-correlated multidimensional constructs: behavioural engagement, emotional engagement, cognitive engagement and agentic engagement (Rozinah & Osman, 2014).

 Learning through LMS in live presentations by lecturers and uploaded pre-recorded video lectures in synchronous and asynchronous learning influence student-lecturer interactions. There are three types of interaction in distance education: learner–content, learner–instructor and learner-learner (Kuo, Walker, Schroder, & Belland, 2014), in which students gain knowledge through video lectures as the main method of content delivery and discuss with lecturers and peers  on the LMS platform (Ferree et al., 2022). Furthermore, learning material can be accessed at any time and from any location. This online tool  has the potential to help students learn in groups or independently with their devices, and includes interactive learning tools for interaction (Ibrahim, Sunardi, & Isnaini, 2022).

Autonomous learning skills  are essential for students  today because they can provide several benefits, such as providing equal opportunities  for students of various levels, encouraging confidence and responsibility and focusing on students' knowledge, skills and attitude (KSAs) (Adler & Milne, 2010). Students will be able to test their potential and seek to enhance their knowledge of the importance of learning if they have both group and independent learning skills. Apart from that, students may decide their learning objectives and track their progress.  This is in line with the  opinion that students with the right KSAs and learning ability would be able to determine their own learning needs, develop learning targets, choose appropriate learning methods and monitor and analyse their personal  progress (Hadi, Haryanto, Asriadi, Marlina, & Rahim, 2022).

Thus, educators must come up with an instructional design for LMS teaching and learning sessions before utilising the LMS platforms. Throughout the learning process, students' requirements must be considered while using the LMS platforms for engagements, interactions and the development of KSAs. Therefore, this study combines synchronous and asynchronous learning  for both lecturers and students to be able to use LMS platforms effectively to improve the teaching and learning process, as well as to acquire better pedagogy, technology and assessment tools (Alvi, Bilal, & Alvi, 2021) in order to meet learning objectives. Pedagogical and technological development (in software used at home or in personal computers) is essential in the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), to enable LMSs to be fully utilised and be more usable. Hence, designing courses in LMSs with a successful combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning is one way of doing this. In addition, the instructional designs must be based on the students' online learning profiles to ensure that they are satisfied in terms of engagement, interaction and KSAs when utilising the LMSs.

Figure 1. Research framework.

3.1. Research Framework

Figure1 shows the research framework used in this study to identify student satisfaction, through learning skills, student interaction and student engagement in online learning, that combines synchronous and asynchronous learning. In addition, this study also looks at the relationship between learning skills (KSAs), interaction and student engagement with student satisfaction.

4. Method

This action research  was conducted according to the model of Action Research on Learning in Gogus (2012). This study began with the observation of issues and problems identified through student feedback before each teaching and learning session.  A survey was conducted among students to find out their previous learning experiences using LMS platforms, from the aspect of online learning locations, types of internet networks, ICT devices used and internet network speed levels. Based on this preliminary information, the researcher   designed a course that combined synchronous and asynchronous learning in each teaching and learning session. The researcher then analysed students' satisfaction with the learning design. The lecturers practised reflection after each lesson   by considering student feedback after the teaching and learning sessions and returning to the process of improving the design of the next lesson.  After lessons were completed, the researcher identified the levels and relationships between students' learning skills, interaction and engagement with their satisfaction in using an LMS that combines synchronous and asynchronous learning on one of the platforms used by higher education institutions in Malaysia.

This action research is a quantitative study using a questionnaire instrument distributed online to 163 respondents who were students of an education program, enrolled in a course that used LMS as a platform for the online teaching and learning process. This is a descriptive study in the form of a survey that reports the information obtained via the questionnaire. The study data was obtained from the questionnaire made up of five parts, namely part A on demographic information, part B on student satisfaction  (10 items) from Roach (2014), part C on learning skills (KSAs) (22 items) from Adler and Milne (2010), part D on student interaction  (5 items) from Kuo et al. (2014) and section E  on student engagement  (14 items) from Reeve (2013). This questionnaire used a 5-point Likert scale, with   1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree.  The KSAs questionnaire scale was as follows: 1 = no level, 2 = level low, 3 = partial quality level, 4 = quality level, 5 = every quality level. All questionnaires were modified from previous studies. Data from the respondents were analysed using the Statistical Package software for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26. 

The questionnaire's reliability was assessed using the consistency reliability test between items. As Table 1 shows, the Cronbach alpha value is above the criteria  decided by Nunnally (1978) (as cited in Ogunkola and Archer-Bradshaw (2013)), which indicates that the reliability value of 0.7 is acceptable. Therefore, the questionnaire used in this study has high-reliability.

Table 1. Reliability of research questionnaire.
Number of Items
Cronbach alpha
Student Satisfaction
Study Learning Skills (KSAs)
Student Interaction
Student Engagement

Table 2. Synchronous and asynchronous mixed learning designs taught through the LMS platform.
Student Feedback Week Topic Teaching Materials  on LMS platform and Activities Learning Approach
Student Feedback: More than 50 percent
Location: Home
Internet Type: Personal data
ICT Equipment: Laptop
Internet speed: Simple
10 Design & Development in ICT Education synchronous:
Online teaching (Webex)
Teaching slides (Google Slides)
Discussion (WhatsApp)
e-Notes (PDF)
Teaching slides (Google Slides)
Attendance (eLearn@USM)
Weekly assignments – Storyboard (MS Word)
Webex recording and all notes and assignments (eLearn@USM/WhatsApp)
(1 hour)
(2 hours)
Student Feedback: More than 50 percent
Location: Home
Internet Type: Personal data
ICT Equipment: Cellphone
Internet speed: Simple
11 Creativity in ICT Education – Matters asynchronous:
Teaching videos (Youtube)
Teaching slides (Google Slides)
Activities – photo collage (Google)
Description of learning tools (Google)
Attendance (eLearn@USM)
Weekly tasks – Creative tools and activities (Padlet)
Video recording and all notes and assignments (eLearn@USM/WhatsApp)
(3 hours)
Student Feedback: More than 50 percent
Location: Home
Internet Type: Personal data
ICT Equipment: Laptop
Internet speed: Simple
12 Emerging technologies in teaching and learning - Multiple technology platforms, applications & approaches synchronous:
Online teaching (Webex)
Web page (Website; 200 tools)
Teaching slides (Google Slides)
Attendance (eLearn@USM)
Teaching slides (Google Slides)
Activities – discussions (Forum- eLearn@USM)
Webex recording and all notes and assignments (eLearn@USM/WhatsApp)
(1 hour)
(2 hours)
Student Feedback: More than 50 percent
Location: Home
Internet Type: Personal data
ICT Equipment: Laptop/mobile
Internet speed: Simple
13 Shows, Videos, and Reverse Instructions for Creating Content Online synchronous:
Online teaching (Webex)
Web pages (Websites; 200 tools, broadcasts, YouTube studios)
Reverse class (BlendSpace)
Attendance (eLearn@USM)
Weekly tasks – snarls (Anchors)
Webex recording and all notes and assignments (eLearn@USM/WhatsApp)
(30 minutes)
asynchronous (2 hours 30 minutes)
Student Feedback: More than 50 percent
Location: Home
Internet Type: Personal data
ICT Equipment: Laptop
Internet speed: Simple
14 Education 4.0: Education and the Industrial Revolution to 4 synchronous:
Online teaching (Webex)
Teaching slides (Google Slides)
Attendance (eLearn@USM)
Activities – discussions (WhatsApp)
Webex recording and all notes and tasks (WhatsApp)
(1 hour)
(2 hours)

4.1. Teaching Design

The LMS platform (eLearn@USM) was used in combining synchronous and asynchronous learning for 5 weeks after the mid-term break.  A new plan was prepared for each week. Table 2 shows the   design for each synchronous and asynchronous learning session on the LMS platform, designed to suit student needs.  Every week, before the classes started, students provided feedback on location, internet usage and available applications. All students could access the materials and complete all assignments and activities that needed to be done online. The course discussions not only included lectures and tutorials but also took place through the WhatsApp application.

5. Results and Discussion

5.1. Results

Tables 3, 4 and 5 show the demographic information on gender, race and field of study analyzed on 163 students who registered for a course that used the LMS platform.

Table 3. Number and percentage of gender.

Table 4. Number and percentage of race.

Table 5. Number and percentage of fields of study.
Field of study
Special education

 As shown in Table 6, the results of the research analysis found that students showed overall satisfaction with the combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning on the LMS platform. The highest average score was (mean = 4.56, SD = 0.56) for the item "The course as a whole is a valuable learning experience." Meanwhile, the lowest average score was (mean = 3.35, SD = 0.9) for the item "I will take other courses that apply class lectures".

Table 6. Average value and standard deviation of questions / items on student satisfaction.
Question Items
Standard Deviation
The course as a whole is a valuable learning experience.
Knowledge of technology more than other sources helps with my understanding
The ability to replay video lectures helps me study
Talking to my classmates helps  me study
Teaching videos that resemble classroom teaching help me learn
Video lectures are easy to access
Video lectures help me study
Compared to the classes I attended, this course was the most interactive
I would usually watch lecture videos for a week
I will take other courses that apply class lectures
Total Mean

Table 7 shows the results of a comprehensive analysis of each student in higher education taking courses that combine synchronous and asynchronous learning using the LMS platform. The highest mean score was (mean = 4.39, SD = 0.69) for the item "Desire to continue learning in the future", whereas the lowest mean score was (mean = 4.01, SD = 0.75) for the item "conversational communication skills".

Table 7. Average value and standard deviation of question/items on student learning skills (KSAs).
Question Items
Standard Deviation
Desire to continue learning in the future
Ability to work as a team member
Skills to plan your own work
Communication skills in writing
Organizational and time management skills
Understanding yourself
Views on multidisciplinary skills
Computer technology proficiency
Skills for implementing change
Knowledge of the concept of a case being studied
Understanding the subject in a real organization
Understanding the yield limit of a problem
Ability to be creative
Ability to solve problems
Ability to identify the problem of the subject being studied
Ability to use subject concepts in unique situations
Flexibility and adaptability
Willingness to learn
Conceptual and analytical skills
Ability to lead others
Conversational communication skills
Total Mean

Table 8 shows the results of the analysis of student interactions when using the LMS platform with a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning. The highest mean score was (mean = 4.34, SD = 0.70) for the item "Online course materials help connect my personal experiences with new concepts or new knowledge." Meanwhile, the lowest average score was (mean = 4.01, SD = 0.60) for the item "I ask questions to lecturers through various electronic methods such as e-mail, discussion boards, instant messaging applications and other methods".

Table 8. Average value and standard deviation of student interaction question items.
Question Items
Standard Deviation
Online course materials help to connect my personal experiences with new concepts or new knowledge
Online course materials help me to better understand the content of the class
I can easily access online course materials
Lecturers answer  my questions on time
I ask questions to lecturers through various electronic methods such as e-mail, discussion boards, instant messaging applications and other methods.
Total Mean

Table 9 shows the results of the overall analysis of students in each course that combines synchronous and asynchronous learning using the LMS platform. The highest mean score was (mean = 4.42, SD = 0.54) for the item "I try hard to do my best in this class." Meanwhile, the mean score was lowest (mean = 3.43, SD = 0.89) for the item "During this class, I expressed my tendencies and opinions”.

Table 9. Average value and standard deviation of questions/items on student engagement.
Question Items
Standard Deviation
I try hard to do my best in this class
This class is fun, I like to learn something new in this class
I feel comfortable in this class
When I complete assignments for this class, I try to relate what I have learned
I try to adapt all the different ideas to gain understanding.
I create  my own examples to help me better understand certain concepts
When we do assignments in this class, I feel interested
While studying in this class, I  try to relate to what I learn
During this class, I listen carefully
I pay attention to this class
I tell my professor what I need
When I need something in this class, I  ask the lecturer
I tell my professors what interests me
During this class, I express my tendencies and opinions

Table 10 shows a significant positive relationship between students’ learning, student interaction, students’ engagement and student satisfaction after students attend courses that combine synchronous and asynchronous learning on the LMS platform.

Table 10. Correlation between KSAs, interaction, student engagement and student satisfaction.
Student Satisfaction
KSAs Pearson correlation
Sig. (2 tails)
Student Interaction  Pearson correlation
Sig. (2 tails)
Student Engagement Pearson correlation
Sig. (2 tails)

Note: ** The correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (two-tailed).

5.2. Discussion

This study aimed to determine the effects of students' learning experiences, interaction and involvement on their satisfaction with courses carried out synchronously and asynchronously through the LMS platform. All respondents agreed that synchronous and asynchronous learning using the LMS platform provides learning satisfaction with their courses (Pereira & Guerreiro, 2021). In addition, college students who take this course interact and engage in the online teaching and learning process using the LMS platform (Sumardi & Muamaroh, 2020) synchronously and asynchronously. Furthermore, it was found that higher order learning skills (KSAs), interaction and student involvement raised satisfaction levels among students who took these courses.

This study also found that students did watch video lessons for a week. Consequently, the use of the LMS platform in online synchronous and asynchronous learning provided access to learning materials and interactive activities to help students learn as in physical face-to-face classes. Students were not sure about taking other courses that applied lectures in the classroom. This unsure feeling may have been due to the feasibility of the online learning process in which the learning material in the LMS platform helped with students' readiness to attend the class.

In conclusion, students who are given flexibility in learning synchronously and asynchronously on the LMS platform can improve their abilities in teamwork, communication, adapting to problems, adding insight and content and be able to make decisions to solve problems (Sutarni, Ramdhany, Hufad, & Kurniawan, 2021). In addition, students learning through this method, who will one day become teachers themselves, can also increase their knowledge and competency of technology in preparing creative teaching lessons and materials to meet the challenges of using technology in real school settings (Wilujeng, Tadeko, & Dwandaru, 2020).

Synchronous and asynchronous learning activities on the LMS platform also help students connect with what they learn through completing assigned tasks and activities. In addition, access to materials and lecturers is also easier. It helps students ask questions and give feedback to lecturers in both synchronous and asynchronous online or face-to-face interactions and on social media applications such as the WhatsApp application. This synchronous and asynchronous combination shows that students interact with materials and activities on the LMS platform both with lecturers and with peers (Tobing & Pranowo, 2020).

The combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning  on the LMS platform  also  allows students  to try their best to associate what they have learned through  examples, in completing assigned tasks and activities (Ganeser & Robert, 2021). In addition, this study found that students are also interested in the latest technology and pay attention to their learning needs. However, some students are hesitant to inform the lecturers about their needs and interests in taking the course. Some students are hesitant to express their views during teaching and learning activities, during both synchronous  and asynchronous learning (Makumane, 2021). This synchronous or asynchronous learning combination clearly shows that lecturers need to pay attention to the needs and interests of students and focus on activities that emphasise discussion so that students can express their opinions.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, the design of synchronous and asynchronous learning using LMS platforms has the potential to be applied by all educators in coming up with designs that use LMS platforms in their teaching and learning activities. This study found that the combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning on  LMS platforms  provides  satisfaction to students in terms of learning skills, students' knowledge, skills and attitude in online learning, interaction and student engagement. In addition, the framework and methodology used can be replicated in studies with other students based on their demographic profiles such as age, internet network and new variables that can assist educators, such as the design and interface of the LMS platform learning accessibility and motivation of the learners


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