
Impact of Prezi Media-Assisted Problem-Based Learning on Scientific Literacy and Independence of Elementary School Students

Maria Goreti Rini Kristiantari1*; I Wayan Widiana2 ; Ni Ketut Desia Tristiantari3 ; Ni Nyoman Rediani4 

1,2,4Ganesha University of Education, Indonesia.
3Musamus University, Indonesia.


The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of Problem Based Learning (PBL) with the support of Prezi media on scientific literacy and independence. The research design used was  quasi-experimental in nature. The sample of this study consisted of 59 fourth grade students. Data  were collected  using a test and a questionnaire. The instruments used were a 20-item test to assess scientific literacy and a 30-item questionnaire to measure independence. The data were  analyzed using descriptive analysis and statistical inference. Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) was used in testing the hypotheses. The findings show that the PBL model supported by Prezi media has a simultaneous and partial effect on students' scientific literacy and independence. The findings also show that the Prezi media-enabled PBL model has a greater impact on scientific literacy than on students' independence.

Keywords: Elementary school, Independence, Literacy, Prezi media, Problem-based learning, Scientific literacy.

Contribution of this paper to the literature
This study has advantages over previous research as this learning model focuses more on the influence of the PBL model assisted by Prezi media on scientific literacy and student independence.  The research results show that this model has more impact on scientific literacy and helps develop the understanding of science concepts and applications in the learning process and in the process of scientific inquiry. So, this learning model can be used as a form of innovative learning to overcome literacy and independence problems among fourth grade elementary school students.

1. Introduction

Education in the 21st-century is important for everyone (Khoiriyah & Husamah, 2018) .   Education in the present context refers to activities carried out consciously or unconsciously to   attain certain goals. The current educational   learning processes are closely related to literacy skills.  21st-century literacy    includes the acquisition of reading, speaking, listening and writing skills. Literacy can be a stepping stone to instilling noble  values in students (Teguh, 2017) . In addition,  literacy also plays an important role in   the acquisition of knowledge, orally and in  written form, in problem solving and in being sensitive  to the surrounding environment (Ke, Sadler, Zangori & Friedrichsen, 2021) . One form of literacy is scientific literacy which is important in modern life as it is related to  issues of science and technology (Semilarski & Laius, 2021;Valladares, 2021; Widodo, Sudibyo, Suryanti, Inzanah & Setiawan, 2020) . Scientific literacy is very important  since everyone needs  aid in    thinking,  decision-making and problem-solving tasks (Chusni & Hasanah, 2018; Samsu, Mustika, Nafaida & Manurung, 2020; Wahyu, Suastra, Sadia & Suarni, 2020) . Scientific literacy is important to support the attitudes  in development, environmental awareness and responsibility, interests, motivation and student involvement (Oliver & Adkins, 2020). Literacy competency is the ability   to use knowledge and scientific processes in problem solving (Fadila, Suliyanah & Deta, 2020; Rusilowati et al., 2018; Sudarsono, Abdurrahman & Rosidin, 2020; Widi, Setiya & Duden, 2016) . Developing scientific knowledge, identifying problems and making conclusions  based on real evidence  by students in the learning process really  need scientific literacy skills (Fauziyah, Prasetyaningsih & Biru, 2021). Therefore, scientific literacy can help develop students' knowledge, skills  and attitudes  toward learning science and technology, and  strengthen environmental awareness so that the demands of the 21st century can be met.

In addition to scientific literacy,  independent mind sets  are needed for learning in this century.  Students who  are independent do not  need encouragement from educators (Shepley, Spriggs, Samudre & Elliot, 2018). The independence of students is  seen from  their ability  to motivate themselves to achieve their desired goals without  outside help,  in this  instance from educators (Henri, Morrell & Scott, 2018; Nguyen & Habók, 2021; Ratminingsih, Marhaeni & Vigayanti, 2018) . Independence is often associated with positive attitudes towards individual values and self-expression (Magnusson & Zackariasson, 2019). The independence of students can be seen  through several indicators such as  awareness of oneself and the situation at hand, and self-regulation.  Independence of students can be developed through planning, organizing and evaluating learning (Tseng, Liou & Chu, 2020).  Independence is gained  through the experience of learning actively and effectively (Orakci & Gelisli, 2017; Orakci & Gelisli, 2019).  Students’ increasing  independence   has an impact on cognitive flexibility (Orakcı, 2021).   To produce independent students, educators are required to have skills in developing active learning by managing the planning, learning, implementation and evaluation which  are  focused  specifically on  students’ ability   and  development (Tseng et al., 2020). Thus, being independent is an important ability students must possess to face  scientific and technological developments.

 Low levels of scientific literacy  are a hindrance to the development of science and technology;  this can have a negative impact on  the environment and  expansion of innovations in science and technology  (Zainuri & Huda, 2022). The average student's scientific literacy  is not optimal when seen only in terms of content skills, especially when  these skills  cannot be communicated or associated with everyday problems (Wibowo & Ariyatun, 2020). Indonesian students' scientific literacy is still low and the books that have been used so far have not helped to train  students to understand the nature of science (Chusni & Hasanah, 2018). A low understanding of science concepts is often associated with learning activities that are still oriented to memorization (retention), conventional learning methods and the difficulty levels of the material learned by students (Ariana, Situmorang & Krave, 2020). This  notion is supported by the initial analysis results  of studies which show that the learning activities  introduced by the teachers  lack  innovativeness and  creativity;  the approaches applied  are still  conventional in nature  and do not take into account students' active  role in the learning process (Pujawan, Rediani, Antara, Putri & Bayu, 2022). The problem  arising today as  a result of online learning is that students begin to lose their independent attitude and need more support and encouragement in the learning process.  The most worrying condition is that online learning makes students lazy to study,  with more parents  completing the school learning tasks given to their children. If this condition is left unchecked, it will have an impact on the success of the learning process, which will certainly hinder learning outcomes and  learning objectives. To reduce or overcome this problem, an appropriate solution is needed. The development of scientific literacy and independence can be improved with innovative learning and help of the media (Cahyana, Supatmi & Rahmawati, 2019). One of the innovative learning models that can be used   to solve the above problems is PBL.

PBL is a learner-centered model  which  impacts  the learning process. PBL helps students get information that already exists  to construct  their own basic and complex knowledge bases (Malmia et al., 2019).  PBL  impacts  the spiritual and social attitudes of students (Bachtiar, Zubaidah, Corebima & Indriwati, 2018) by increasing students' creative thinking skills (Maskur et al., 2020), improving math problem-solving skills (Aslan, 2021; Hendriana, Johanto & Sumarmo, 2018),  developing students' critical thinking skills (Aini et al., 2019; Narmaditya, Wulandari & Sakarji, 2018; Saputra, Joyoatmojo, Wardani & Sangka, 2019) ,   improving  ability to identify problems  and  investigating and applying scientific facts  and scientific literacy skills (Nurtanto, Nurhaji, Widjanarko, Wijaya & Sofyan, 2018).  Thus, the application of the PBL model in learning activities  provide opportunities for students to develop their  intellect so that they have critical thinking skills  which actively  raise scientific literacy, which in turn impacts  learning outcomes. A study related to PBL and  scientific literacy  states that PBL is effective in increasing scientific literacy (Amaringga, Amin & Irawati, 2021). Research states that  Socio Scientific Issues-based PBL affects Science Literacy and problem-solving skills positively (Hestiana & Rosana, 2020). Studies show that PBL has a significant impact on students' critical thinking and literacy skills (Suhirman & Khotimah, 2020). Therefore, PBL  has a significant effect   on scientific literacy. To make PBL effective in the learning process, it is combined with Prezi media.

Prezi is a  web-based software that is used as a tool to present  subject matter on a virtual canvas  (Fahrizal, 2021; Huda, Hidayati & Syamsiah, 2021; Muharni, Alpusari & Putra, 2021; Nasution & Siregar, 2019a) . Prezi is an application that can combine one's creativity with technological sophistication to design online-based digital presentations (Nasution. & Siregar, 2019b). Prezi-based media is one of the media devices chosen by educators to increase the attractiveness of lessons prepared for students (Rohman, Na’im & Sumardi, 2021). Prezi changes the learning paradigm from teacher-centric to student-centric, and teachers  only  act as facilitators, so students become active  learners and no longer have to rely on teachers as the only source of information  (Ayu, Ningsih & Komikesari, 2019). Prezi attracts students’ learning interests and attention (Ikram, Elvia & Handayani, 2021; Rohiman & Anggoro, 2019) and improves student cognitive learning outcomes (Zoebaidha, 2020). Therefore, Prezi raises students’ interest in the learning process.

 It is clear that PBL  assisted by Prezi can have a positive impact on the learning process. This is supported by multiple studies showing that PBL using Prezi  is superior to discovery-based learning models using Prezi to improve student learning outcomes (Ardiansyah, Shodiqin & Muhtarom, 2020). Research  shows that students’ learning outcomes  when using the PBL learning model through the RME approach assisted by Prezi  are better than learning through the scientific approach (Astuti & Widianawati, 2016).  Further research has shown that, students’ learning outcomes when using the Prezi-assisted PBL learning model  show significant positive  outcomes when compared with the Prezi-assisted Pair Check learning model used with conventional learning models (Hartina, Permata & Fatkhurrokhman, 2020).  Studies have also found that Prezi-supported PBL models help  achieve proficiency while Prezi-supported learning discovery models do not achieve this proficiency (Ardiansyah et al., 2020). Based on the findings so far, we can conclude that PBL and Media Prezi can together improve learning outcomes. This is one of the reasons why this study focuses on analyzing the impact of Prezi Media-powered PBL on 4th grade scientific literacy and independence. The novelty of the present research is  found specifically in its variables which  are scientific literacy and student independence. The Prezi media-assisted PBL model was implemented in studies related to materials in the water cycle. This research focused on scientific literacy variables where the indicators were scientific concepts and applications in everyday life, the process of scientific inquiry, understanding  the nature of science and understanding  the relationship between science, technology and society.   Meanwhile, the study of students’ independence was focused more on self-awareness and related situations  and self-regulation. The results of this study were expected to improve scientific literacy and students’ independence  in the water cycle learning process.

2. Methodology

The study design used was quasi-experimental; this study  was carried out using a non-equivalent post-test-only control group design.  The experimental group was treated with the PBL model supported by Prezi Media while the control group was treated with the non-PBL model supported by Prezi Media. Both groups underwent a post-test to determine the difference in scientific literacy and independence.  Data were obtained  on (1) scientific literacy students (Y1) who  were taught using the PBL model with the support of Prezi media; (2) Science literacy students (Y1)  who were taught using a non-PBL learning model supported by Prezi Media; (3) Students with independent skills (Y2)  who were taught using the PBL model with the support of Prezi media  and (4) Self-employed students (Y2)  who were taught using a non-PBL learning model supported by Prezi media. The research phase  consisted of three stages, namely the research preparation stage, the research implementation stage and the final stage of experimentation or research completion. The survey procedure is shown in Table 1.

Table 1 . Research procedure
No Research Procedure Research Activity
1 Research preparation stage  Pre-observation of learning activities before treatment
 Discussions with fifth-grade teachers on students' scientific literacy and independence, minimum scores and number of fifth-grade students
 Determining research sample based on the Gugus IV population, Kecamatan Pupuan, Kabupaten Tabanan 
Lesson Plan Preparation (RPP)
Preparing the experimental group to learn using the Problem Based Learning model assisted by Prezi media
 Modeling for teachers who had not been able to understand the learning course using the Problem Based Learning model assisted by Prezi media
 Designing research instruments, namely arranging the post-test, designing learning outcomes assessment instruments and consulting supervisors
 Instrument  tested for validity   and  improved  according to expert advice.  Results of the  validity test  discussed with lecturers to ensure it was feasible and the instrument was ready to be used
2 Research implementation stage  Treatment given to the experimental  group in the form of learning  using Problem Based Learning assisted by the Prezi model
 Treatment was given 8 times  to the experimental  group 
3 Final stage of  experiment  Post-test conducted  for experimental and control  groups to obtain  data using Problem Based Learning method assisted by Prezi media
 Analysis  carried out to process data on students’ learning outcomes  and  hypotheses

The research population  comprised all the fourth-grade  elementary school students in Gugus IV, Kecamatan Pupuan, Kabupaten Tabanan,  a total of 6 groups from 6 schools. The total number of  fourth-grade students was 180. .  The equivalence test with One Way-Analysis of Variance using the SPSS 25.0 for Windows application was  used in the study conducted on the 6 groups at 6 elementary schools in Gugus IV, Kecamatan Pupuan, Kabupaten Tabanan  and a simple random sampling technique was carried out using a lottery method to  identify two schools to be used as  the research sample.  The sample was  then divided into  the experimental and control  groups;   the experimental group  would be given  treatment  based on the Problem Based Learning model assisted by Prezi   while the control group  would not use the Problem Based Learning model assisted by Prezi. The experimental group comprised 30 students and the control  group consisted of 29 students.

A test and a questionnaire  were used in the data collection procedures. Tests are used to  determine an individual's level of  competency by having the individual respond to multiple given stimuli or questions. In this study  the test method was used to determine  the effectiveness of the PBL model with the support of Prezi Media for scientific literacy. The  test   used the essay question format  to measure the increase in students’ scientific literacy. The test instrument was completed in several stages;  they were 1) drafting the test  instrument, 2) drafting the essay questions and 3) referencing the draft. The  test  given to the students comprised  20 items. The  test items are shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Test items on scientific literacy indicators  
No Scientific Literacy Indicator Indicators
1 Science concepts and applications in daily life  1.      Defining the meaning of the water cycle
2.      Analyzing the process of the water cycle 
3.      Analyzing the types of water cycle 
    4.      Describing the benefits of the water cycle for life
2 Scientific inquiry process  1)  Providing arguments on the factors affecting the water cycle
2)  Analyzing   ways to prevent the impact of a damaged water cycle
3 Understanding the nature of science 1.  Describing the steps for conducting a simple practicum on the process of the water cycle
4 Understanding the relationship between science, technology and society 1.   Analyzing the relationship between the sustainability of the water cycle and advances in science and technology

A questionnaire-based data collection method was  used to measure independence. The questionnaire  was based on a 5-point Likert scale. There were 30 items based on 2 dimensions which were developed from 11 indicators. The two dimensions included 1) awareness of oneself and the situation and 2) self-regulation; the details and indicators are  presented in Table 3. The instrument was tested for validity and reliability. The validity of the contents of the questionnaire was checked using the Content Validity Ratio (CVR) / Content Validity Index (CVI) formula. The CVR for each item was 1 and the CVI value was 1.00. This indicates that all items had been validated according to the validation rules. The questionnaire reliability was based on Cronbach's alpha and had a value of 0.81. Therefore, the questionnaire was deemed reliable.

Table 3.  Students’ independence indicators.
No Dimension Indicators
1 Self-awareness and Situation-awareness 1) Exploring one's feelings and behavior
2) Exploring strengths and weaknesses
3) Believing in oneself
4) Making the right decisions
5) Skillful at expressing thoughts, feelings, opinions and beliefs
6) Able to evaluate oneself
2 Self-regulation  1) Setting standards and goals
2) Managing emotions
3) Self-instruction
4) Self-monitoring
5) Self-evaluation creates self-defined contingencies

The data collected in this study were analyzed descriptively and inferentially. All data analysis processes in this study used the Statistical Program for Social Sciences 26.0 for Windows.  The descriptive analysis carried out in this study included the mean, minimum and maximum values and standard deviation. Multivariate analysis of variance was used to analyze the data inferentially.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1.  Results

The results of the analysis are shown in Table 4.  The results show that there are differences in students' scientific literacy abilities and autonomy. This is indicated by the difference in average scores. The difference in scientific literacy scores between students who were taught using the PBL model with Prezi Media and those who  were not taught using the PBL model with Prezi Media  is 5.14.  The average scores in scientific literacy  acquired by students taught using the PBL model  assisted by Prezi  are high.. On the other hand, the difference in independence between students taught using the PBL model with Prezi Media and students taught using non-PBL models with Prezi Media  is 3.32.  The average scores in independence acquired by students taught using the PBL learning model are high. The results also show that scientific literacy is more affected than independence, as evidenced by the big difference in average literacy scores. 

Table 4. Results of scientific literacy  and Independence  analyses
Treatment  Dependent Variable  Mean Standard deviation Maximum Minimum
PBL model assisted  by Prezi  Scientific Literacy 76.89 3.348 81 71
Independence   64.47 3.49 70.00 60.00
 Non PBL model assisted  by Prezi Scientific Literacy 61.75 2.826 66 55
Independence    61.15 5.09 69.00 54.00

  The assumption tests performed in this study include the normality test, homogeneity test of variance, multivariate and linearity test of the dependent variable. Kolmogorov-Smirnov  was used  in testing the normality of data distribution. The test results show that the data  is normally distributed, with a significance value> 0.05.  Details of the test results are shown in Table 5. After the normal data distribution conditions  were met,  the uniformity test was conducted. In this study,  two analytical methods were used, Levene's homoscedasticity test to test the uniformity of variance and Box's test of homoscedasticity of the covariance matrix to test the uniformity of the multivariate.  

Table 5. Normality  test results
Variables Learning Approach 
Scientific Literacy PBL Model assisted by Prezi
Non PBL model assisted by Prezi
Independency PBL Model assisted by Prezi
Non  PBL Model assisted by Prezi

The results  show that the research data   are homogeneous;  the value of sig. is greater than 0.05.  Levine’s equivalence test value  is 0.08  for scientific literacy,  which is  significant. The independence ability  shows a value of 0.253. On the other hand, the uniformity test using Box's covariance matrix equivalence test  is also significant.  The F value of 0.942 is 0.822. The next prerequisite test  is the multicollinearity test. The results of the analysis show that the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) and tolerance scores are close to 1. This means that the scientific literacy of variables is not correlated with independence. Now that the test conditions for the MANOVA study are met,  MANOVA was used to perform the hypothesis testing. The  sequence of the  study  is shown in Tables 6 and 7.

Table 6. Manova analysis  results
Hypothesis df
Error df
Intercept Pillai Trace
Wilks Lambda
Hotelling Trace
Roy Largest Root
Group Pillai Trace
Wilks Lambda
Hotelling Trace
Roy Largest Root

 The MANOVA results show that the intercept effect has an F coefficient of 9613.16 and a Sinicization score of 0.000 (<0.05). This means that there is a difference between scientific literacy and student independence among those exposed to the PBL model using Prezi media. After testing the effect between subjects, the F-score is 5.13 and Sig= 0.03, which is  lower than 0.05. This shows that the PBL model supported by Prezi media has affected its logical ability Third, the results of the inter-subject effect test show  an F value of 233.89 with a significance value of less than 0.05 (0.000). This shows that the PBL model  assisted by Prezi Media affects students’ independence.

Table 7. Between-subjects effects results
Source Dependent Variable
Type III Sum of Squares
Mean Square
Corrected Model Scientific Literacy
Intercept Scientific Literacy
Group Scientific Literacy
Error Scientific Literacy
Total Scientific Literacy
Corrected Total Scientific Literacy

4. Discussion

The  research results show  that the Prezi-assisted PBL model  affects students’ scientific literacy and independence. The results show improvements in  students’ scientific concepts.   This is  correlated with the learning process.   Prezi media-assisted PBL  was  adopted based on the students’ characteristics. Learning  using this model  makes learning more comfortable because students are supported by appropriate learning models and media. Students  are given problems  faced in their daily lives, which are  introduced attractively with the help of Prezi media. This form of learning  makes students more interested in participating in the learning process. Students who  have interest in  learning  become more interested in the learning process (Fajri et al., 2021; Yuliansih, Arafat & Wahidy, 2021). Interest in  learning influences student activity in the learning process. Students actively collect information related to the materials provided. This leads to better understanding of science. Learning activities provide students with the opportunity to develop scientific process skills (Pujawan et al., 2022). With the development of the scientific process, students  acquire  knowledge in science. In other words,  students' ability to solve problems using the scientific process   has an impact on their scientific literacy skills.

Scientific literacy is important in  modern life which is faced with issues related to science and technology (Semilarski & Laius, 2021; Valladares, 2021; Widodo et al., 2020) . Preparing for scientific literacy is very important because everyone needs information in their daily lives as a reference for scientific thinking and in decision making and problem solving tasks (Chusni & Hasanah, 2018; Samsu et al., 2020; Wahyu et al., 2020) . Scientific literacy is important to support the development of attitudes, environmental responsibility, interest, motivation and student involvement (Oliver & Adkins, 2020). Literacy  competency itself  refers to  the use of knowledge and scientific processes in solving problems (Fadila et al., 2020; Rusilowati et al., 2018; Sudarsono et al., 2020; Widi et al., 2016) . Scientific literacy is needed to develop scientific knowledge, identify problems and draw conclusions based on actual evidence from the  process (Fauziyah et al., 2021). Scientific literacy has worked well in this study because students were directly involved in the learning process and the learning process was focused on how the students performed in the problem-solving process. Students  never get tired of learning  when the materials are  introduced using interesting media.

The results of the study also show that the PBL model supported by Prezi Media has  a significant impact on student autonomy in the learning process. . In this learning process, the PBL model supported by Prezi Media is  focused on  introducing technology- based problems that  enable students to continue to develop. .  Students are able to deepen  awareness   and face  situations  confronting them;  the students become flexible in the process. This condition does have a positive impact on student independence during the learning process. Student independence is strongly shaped by  student-oriented activities.. These activities make students more active. This  independence comes from a positive and effective learning experience in the learning process (Orakci & Gelisli, 2017; Orakci & Gelisli, 2019), to address and organize management plans and  evaluate learning that can develop students’ independence (Tseng et al., 2020). In other words, learning that involves student activity in the learning process makes the students more self-reliant. Highly independent students no longer need encouragement from educators (Shepley et al., 2018). Independent learners are learners who direct learning to achieve their goals, are completely independent of  educators, are motivated to learn and develop the ability to reflect on learning (Henri et al., 2018; Nguyen & Habók, 2021; Ratminingsih et al., 2018) . Independency is associated with positive attitudes towards individual values and self-expression (Magnusson & Zackariasson, 2019). In this study, a more developed indicator is the students’ self and situation awareness. This condition is supported by a learning process that focuses more on the problem-solving process. Through problem-solving learning, students are taught not to take other people's opinions for granted without any confirmation; rather, they are taught to focus  on conveying problem-solving ideas obtained from the scientific  process. In addition, students are also accustomed to self-evaluation in the learning process, which of course makes for better students. 

The results of this study are consistent with the results of several previous studies which state that student learning outcomes are superior  in Prezi-supported PBL models over Prezi-supported discovery learning models (Ardiansyah et al., 2020). Studies show that students learning with a PBL learning model through the Realistic Mathematics Education approach supported by Prezi presentations outperformed those learning  through a scientific approach (Astuti & Widianawati, 2016). Studies have shown that there are differences in student learning outcomes when using Prezi-based PBL learning models and Prezi-based pair-check learning models in traditional learning  environments (Hartina et al., 2020). Studies have also shown that students' learning outcomes with Prezi-supported problem-based learning models achieve Learning Mastery,  while Prezi-supported Discovery Learning models do not achieve Learning Mastery (Ardiansyah et al., 2020).

This study has advantages over previous studies in that this learning model focuses on the impact of Prezi Media-based PBL models on student academic literacy and independence. Research results show that this model has a great impact on scientific literacy and the development and understanding of scientific concepts and applications in scientific research processes. However, due to the limitations   of this study in the number of samples, more schools need to be studied to better understand the impact of implementing this model.

5. Conclusion

The results show that the PBL model assisted by Prezi media affects the scientific literacy and independence of students both simultaneously and partially. This is shown by the differences in the mean values, where the mean values of scientific literacy and independence among students who were taught using PBL assisted by Prezi media is greater. The results also show that the most affected variable is scientific literacy compared with the independent variable of students. Therefore, this method can be recommended as one of the learning approaches used to improve students’ scientific literacy and student independence.


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