Instructions for Authors

  1. All submitted manuscripts must be original work that is not submitted to another journal or under consideration for publication in another form, such as a monograph or chapter of a book. Authors of submitted papers are obligated not to submit their paper for publication elsewhere until an editorial decision is rendered on their submission.
  2. The first page shall contain the title of the manuscript, and an abstract of not more than 250 words, and 4-6 Keywords . The first page should also include the names of the authors, their affiliations and email addresses.
  3. Abstract : The abstract should consist of a single paragraph and adhere to the style of structured abstracts, however without the use of headings. 1) Introduction: This section aims to present a comprehensive overview of the chosen topic and highlight the research objective. 2) Methodology: Kindly furnish a concise overview of the principal methods or approaches employed in the study. 3) Results: This section offers a concise overview of the main outcomes presented in the article. 4) Discussion: This part outlines the principal conclusions or interpretations derived from the conducted study. The length of the abstract should be within 200-250 words.
  4. Footnotes should appear at the bottom of the page on which they are referenced 
  5. Tables and Figures must be numbered with Roman numerals and should be placed in the appropriate place in the main text.Tables can be single spaced and the font size should be 10 pt. Each table must have a title followed by a descriptive legend.
  6. References appear at the end of the paper. They should be single spaced and 11 pt font size. 
  7. References to publications in the text should appear as follows: "Ozturk and Acarvci (2010) report that..." or "(Ozturk and Acaravci, 2010).", or Ozturk (2010:48). 
  8. The complete list of references should be as follows:
  • Grossman, G.M., Helpman, E. (1991), Innovation and Growth in the Global Economy. Cambridge MA: MIT Press.
  • Pesaran H.M., Shin, Y. (1999), Autoregressive distributed lag modelling approach to cointegration analysis, in: S.Storm (Ed.) Econometrics and Economic Theory in the 20th Century: The Ragnar Frisch Centennial Symposium, chapter 11, Cambridge University Press.
  • Ozturk, I., Acaravci, A. (2010), CO2 Emissions, Energy Consumption and Economic Growth in Turkey. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 14(9), 3220-3225