Exploring the implications of generative-AI tools in teaching and learning practices
Maimoona Al Abri
Instructional and Learning Technologies, College of Education, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman.
Abdullah Al Mamari
Instructional and Learning Technologies, College of Education, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman.
Zakria Al Marzouqi
Instructional and Learning Technologies, College of Education, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.20448/jeelr.v12i1.6355
Keywords: Academic program, AI-generative tools, Artificial intelligence, Authenticity, Efficiency, Emerging technology, Quality.
This study aims to explore the implications of using AI-generative tools (tools for generative AI (GAI)) in teaching and learning practices in higher education settings. This exploratory study employs a mixed-methods approach. Data was collected through focus-group discussions, participants' reflections and questionnaires. The participants of this study were 65 undergraduate students who enrolled in a university. The GAI tools were integrated into the course assignments. This study found that most students chose to use GAI tools alongside traditional tools to perform their assignments and exhibited a positive attitude towards using GAI tools to accomplish their tasks. The most significant impacts of integrating these emerging-technology tools in the course included a reduction in the time needed to complete the assignments and efficiency and creativity in producing different types of interactive digital content. However, notable challenges were identified regarding the quality and authenticity of the new content. In addition, the findings revealed significant differences between the pre- and post-tests mean scores using GAI tools in students’ learning, further reinforcing the effectiveness of these tools. Finally, it is necessary to develop clear policies and guidelines while using GAI in higher education.